NYN Media Insights Podcast on Improving Outcomes for Young Men of Color
Findings from the research of Dr. Edward Fergus-Arcia, an Assistant Professor in Educational Leadership at NYU, on how to improve educational outcomes for young men of color, are being implemented by a consortium of after school providers organized by the Partnership for After School Education and monitored by New York City’s Young Men’s Initiative - for possible future investments. Join us for this, our first NYN Media Insights podcast Outcomes segment exploring innovative programming in New York’s nonprofit sector and featuring Cyrus Garrett, executive director of the city’s Young Men’s Initiative, and Dawan Julien with the East Harlem Tutorial Program. We’ll talk about what the research showed and how it could help resolve inequities in our educational system.
New York Nonprofit Media regularly interviews nonprofit leaders to discuss their professional experience, lessons learned, perspectives on the industry and more. To recommend a candidate for our Outcomes segments, contact Aimee Simpierre at asimpierre@nynmedia.com.
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This piece was updated to reference the names of our podcast guests.